Copy of Liturgical Ministries


Please contact the Parish Office for more information on the Celebration of the Sacraments.

Celebrating God’s Presence in Our Lives: The Sacraments

Throughout our journey as Christians, we commemorate the real presence of God and His influence in our lives through sacred rituals known as sacraments. These sacraments mark significant moments such as initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), vocation (Marriage and Holy Orders), and healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick). As Catholics, we embrace our identity as a sacramental community, recognizing God's handiwork in creation and celebrating it through the mysteries of our faith..

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC'S)

We need you! Eucharistic Ministers are needed at all the Masses. Please consider this call. Training for new Eucharistic ministers is held throughout the year. To sign up, please contact Ann at the parish office or


If you think you might have good speaking skills, please consider using them in the service of the Church as a Reader at one of our masses. For more information or to scheduling a training, please contact Ann at the parish office or

Altar Servers

Boys and girls in the fourth grade and older (who have received their First Communion) may serve at the altar. Three-session trainings are held in the fall and in the spring. To sign up, please contact Ann at the parish office of


Sacristans set up for mass and oversee ministry within the sacristy. If you are interested in possibly becoming a sacristan, please let Fr. Ken or our head sacristan, Anna Mills, know after Mass or call or email Ann at the parish office at


Ushers are needed at all the masses. This is an informally organized group; let an usher know before Mass that you would like to serve, and they’ll be happy to have you on board.


Welcome parishioners as they arrive for mass. This is another informally organized group, but such an important one. Please let one of the ushers or other greeters know that you would like to greet too.


To join the choir, please contact Sharon Dady, Music Director, at the parish office. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:30 in the choir room in the parish hall and sings at the 8:30 Sunday mass. If you would like to sing in a small group at the 5:30 Vigil or Noon mass or as a cantor or instrumentalist, Sharon will be glad to schedule you for an audition.

Pastoral Care Volunteer Opportunities

Bring Holy Communion to Homebound Parishioners

Homebound Catholic parishioners or those in assisted living and nursing facilities. Training is provided. Please contact the parish office for more information. Deacon Dennis Macey is the group’s chaplain.

Funeral Receptions

Parishioners help serve and /or donate food for funeral receptions. Contact Ann Brophy at the parish office or by email at

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